New Zealand - South Pacific District of Kiwanis International
1996 District Convention (Moorea) |
This page contains information about our 1996 District Convention, held September 17-19, 1996 on the island of Moorea in French Polynesia. This is not and should not be construed to be an official report of the convention. Instead there is some information about the program, the results, and a few links to individual club reports.
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Maybe it's the flower--scented breezes that fill the air. Maybe it's the sweet caress of warm, clear lagoon waters on bare skin. Maybe it's the fiery sun that sinks slowly, dramatically into the vast South Pacific. Or the easy smiles and generous laughter of the gentle people. Club Med brings the ultimate village experience to one of the world's most beautiful places --Moorea, in French Polynesia, an island paradise surrounded by colorful coral and untouched islets called motus.
Does that paragraph sound like it was lifted straight from a travel brochure? You're right, it was, but the experience was pretty much like that.
There were three half-days of meetings on the mornings (only) of the 17th, 18th and 19th. Convention sessions were held from 08:30 to 12:30. For the time between sessions and the time before and after the convention, there was surf, palm trees, beaches and good eating at the Club Méditeriné on Moorea Island.
Conventions are always a blast! This can be seen from the following individual Kiwanis Club reports.
Convention report from the Kiwanis Club of Te Awamutu
Convention report from the Kiwanis Club of Hamilton