New Zealand - South Pacific District of Kiwanis International
1997 District Convention (Rotorua)
This page contains information about our 1997 district convention,
12-13 September, 1997 in Rotorua on the North Island of
New Zealand.
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About the venue:
Rotorua, the District of lakes and natural beauty, offers one of
New Zealand's finest life-styles. Its central location and the
fact that the area is serviced by major domestic airlines, along
with excellent alternative transport, makes Rotorua very
accessible for business and pleasure.
Rotorua is one of New Zealand's most popular visitor destinations
and is known as the "District full of surprises". The 1990's
have seen Rotorua enter a period of substantial growth and
development. The Rotorua District Council has taken a leading
role in developing a progressive and active programme to create
a stimulating environment for existing and new businesses.
Convention Program
- Program - Preconvention - Thursday, 11 September
- District Foundation Meeting.
- District Trustees Meeting.
- Registrations.
- Past Governors Dinner.
- Program - Day 1 - Friday, 12 September
- Opening: included addreses by the Rotorua Mayor and the local
kaumatua (Maori elder)
- Roll call, adoption of standing rules
- Workshops on YCP1 projects, IDD projects, community service
projects and new club building
- Approval of the 1996 minutes, reports from district officers.
- Partners tour in parallel with Business Sessions.
- Presentation of the arrangements for the next district in
- Awards presentation.
- Presentation of IDD contributions: Three clubs have already met their
entire five-year commitment within the first three years
- Resolutions:
- The resolution submitted by the Kiwanis Club of Mount
- That the 'Asthma Emergency Kit' project currently supported by
Division 1 in conjunction with Asthma Auckland to supply all primary and
intermediate schools in the Auckland region with these kits be extended
to the other divisions within New Zealsnd so that similar support can be
given country-wide in conjunction with the local Asthma societies.
was passed.
- Presentation of a Robert Connelly Award.
- Friday evening dinner was a Polynesian theme with catering and attire
to complement this. Entertainment was provided by local Polynesian
a group.
- Program - Day 2 - Saturday, 13 September
- Past Lt. Governor's breakfast.
- Address by International Trustee (and International President-elect)
Glen Bagnell.
- A workshop on leadership
- Workshops on YCP1 projects, IDD projects and community service
- Address by Governor designate Neville Puckey
- Governor's luncheon.
- Keynote speech by Dr. Alan Liang of the Asthma Society, Auckland.
- Election of district officers.
- Governor - Neville Puckey
- Governor-elect - Mike Boyd
- Treasurer - Merv Gyde
- Foundation Trustee - Ross Taylor
- All ran unopposed. Geoff Tregurtha will continue as district
- General business.
- Official closure.
- Governor's cocktail party.
- Evening: Dinner with official handover of office, presentation of
the 1997/98 district team and further awards followed by a big band dance.
- Program - Postconvention - Sunday, 14 September
- Thanksgiving service at St. Faith's Church, Ohinemutu.
- A casual outdoor barbeque followed the church service to close
the convention.
Club Reports on the 1997 Convention:
A selection of individual Kiwanis club reports on the 1997 district
Convention report from the Kiwanis Club of Te
Awamutu ( 289 kB ! )
NZSP District Home Page
Page last updated by
(David Fentress) on 4 August, 2008.
Your comments, questions and suggestions are welcome.