As at 13 October, 2023
These district bylaws were adopted at the 2023 NZ-SP District convention
and fully replace earlier versions.



Section 1.  Wherever these terms appear throughout these bylaws, "club" means a club in good standing as defined from time to time by Kiwanis International and "active member" means a member in good standing with his/her club as defined by the club.  However, provisions regarding sending notice to clubs about meetings, amendments and resolutions and provisions regarding payment of club financial obligations shall apply to all chartered clubs, whether in good standing or not in good standing.

Section 1.  The name of this organisation shall be the New Zealand-South Pacific District of Kiwanis International.
Section 2.  The boundaries of this district shall be to New Zealand, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna and other South Pacific nations and islands as determined by the Kiwanis International Board.
Section 3.  Neither the district name nor territorial limits shall be changed unless permission shall first have been obtained from the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees.
Section 4.  The purpose of this district shall be primarily to help Kiwanis clubs and Kiwanis International advance the objects, objectives, policies and strategic goals of Kiwanis and specifically to cooperate with Kiwanis International in:
  •  Building new clubs and strengthening existing clubs;
•  Delivering education to clubs and;
•  Delivering service leadership programs and global campaign for children programming to and through clubs.
The purpose of the district also shall be to promote the interests of the clubs within the district to Kiwanis International.
Section 5.  The district shall group clubs into divisions. The boundaries of the divisions shall be defined by the District Board in district policies.
Section 6.  Each club* within the district boundaries is a member of the district and is entitled to all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities thereof.

Section 1.
  a.   The officers of the district shall be the Governor, Governor-elect, Immediate Past Governor, Secretary, Treasurer and a Lieutenant Governor for each division of the district.
b.   No offices other than those of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined in one person.
c.   After their election and before their assumption of office, all officers shall be known and designated by the titles of the offices to which they have respectively been elected followed by the term "designate".
Section 2.  Each district officer shall be an active member** in a club* of the district.  Each Lieutenant Governor shall be a member** of a club* in the division from which elected.  However, if there is no member** from a club* in a particular division qualified and willing to serve as lieutenant governor, a member** of a club* in another division may serve.  Each candidate for the office of Governor and Governor-elect, shall have a clear criminal history background check conducted and verified by Kiwanis International.
Section 3.  Officer terms shall be as follows or until said officer's successor shall be duly elected and qualified.  The terms of all district officers shall begin on October 1.
  a.   Each Lieutenant Governor shall serve for a term of either one (1) or two (2) years as determined by each individual division at its election meeting.
b.   All other officers shall serve a term of one (1) year, unless otherwise specified.
Section 4.  Each district officer has the duty and responsibility to:
  a.   Promote the Objects and objectives of Kiwanis International.
b.   Promote the interests of the clubs within the district.
c.   Perform such duties and responsibilities as are currently prescribed or as may be amended in the bylaws, policies, or procedures of Kiwanis International or of the district or as may be assigned by the District Board.
d.   Actively promote implementation of growth efforts of the district in conjunction with Kiwanis International's strategic growth plan.
e.   Actively promote and support programs of emphasis by Kiwanis International, such as the service leadership programs (where applicable) and the global campaign for children.
f.   Attend all meetings required by the district.
g.   Whenever possible, all district officers are encouraged to attend the Kiwanis International Convention and the Asia-Pacific Convention.
Section 5.  The Governor has the further duties and responsibilities:
  a.   Serve as the chief executive officer of the district, under the direction and supervision of the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees.
b.   Be responsible for planning and developing the general program for the district convention and conferences with the advice and consent of the District Board.
c.   Preside at all district conventions and meetings of the District Board.
d.   Attend all conventions and other meetings required by Kiwanis International and the District's region.
e.   Be responsible for implementing growth efforts of the district in conjunction with Kiwanis International's strategic growth plan.
f.   Actively promote the Service Leadership Programs of Kiwanis International and assure proper supervision of those programs on a local, divisional, and district level.
Section 6.  The Governor-elect has the further duties and responsibilities:
  a.   Attend all meetings required by Kiwanis International and the District's region for Governors-elect, including the Governors-elect Education Conference and the International Convention.
b.   Be responsible for the training of incoming Lieutenant Governors, Trustees, and district committee chairs; for implementing club education programs; and for education programs at the district convention.
c.   Support the Governor.
Section 7.  The Immediate Past Governor shall be a resource to the District Governor and District Board.
Section 8.  The District Secretary has the further duties and responsibilities:
  a.   Assist the Governor and District Board in conducting the business of the district.
b.   Keep all records of the district.
c.   Be the executive in charge of the District Office and, subject to the approval of the District Board, select the employees (if any).
d.   Submit to the proper officers, committees or persons all communications received from Kiwanis International and cooperate with the Governor in forwarding all reports required by Kiwanis International.
e.   Attend and keep the minutes of the meetings of the District Board and the district conventions.
f.   Make a report to the district at its annual convention and such other reports as directed by the Governor or the District Board.
Section 9.  The District Treasurer has the further duties and responsibilities:
  a.   Be a member of the Finance Committee.
b.   Regularly review and advise the District Board on the financial condition of the district and its service leadership programs (if any).
c.   Make a report at the annual convention.
d.   Keep the financial accounts and records and be responsible for proper internal control procedures, including the receipt, deposit, and disbursement of district and sponsored organization funds in the manner authorized and prescribed by the District Board.
e.   Make available for inspection by the Governor, the District Board, or any authorized parties, the financial accounts, records, and books of the district and its service leadership programs (if any).
Section 10.  The Lieutenant Governors have the further duties and responsibilities:
  a.   Perform the duties as a member of the District Board.
b.   Provide support and assistance to the clubs in their division.
c.   Plan and preside at divisional meetings, under the direction of the District Board.
d.   Assist the Governor and the District Board in communicating and implementing the plans and goals of the district in their divisions.
e.   Report to the Governor about the condition and activities of clubs within their divisions.
f.   Visit each club in the division as many times as required by the district.
g.   While serving as Lieutenant Governor-elect shall assure training of the incoming club officers.

Section 1.  The District Board shall consist of the Governor, Governor-elect, Immediate Past Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Lieutenant Governor for each division.  The Secretary and Treasurer, as appointed members of the Board, shall not have voting rights.
Section 2.  The management and control of the affairs of the district not otherwise provided for in these bylaws shall be vested in the District Board, subject to the supervision and control of the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees.  The District Board may adopt policies and/or procedures, provided they are not in violation of any applicable laws or any higher governing documents.
Section 3.  The District Board shall hold at least two (2) regular meetings during each administrative year, one of which shall be held prior to October 31, at such times and places as designated by the Governor.  If the first meeting is held prior to October 1, any action taken shall become effective on October 1.
Section 4.  A special meeting of the District Board may be called by the Governor or two-thirds (2/3) of the entire Board.
Section 5.  Subject to the laws of local jurisdiction, the District Board may meet and conduct business by any method that allows all participants to simultaneously communicate with one another or as otherwise allowed by law.  Participation by such methods constitutes attendance.  Normal board meeting rules and processes apply unless otherwise determined by the Board.
Section 6.  The District Secretary shall notify each member of the District Board and the Executive Director of Kiwanis International of the time, place, and date of any regular meeting at least three (3) weeks in advance and of any special meeting at least three (3) days in advance.
Section 7.  In the absence of the Governor from a meeting, the District Board shall elect one of its members to act as presiding officer.
Section 8.  A majority of the total members of the District Board constitutes a quorum, and a majority vote of those present and voting is required for all business unless otherwise provided in these bylaws.
Section 9.  Within thirty (30) days after any District Board meeting, the District Secretary shall provide a draft of the meeting minutes or a summary of the actions taken to Kiwanis International and a copy shall be made available to clubs in the district.  The district shall provide a copy of the official minutes of each board meeting to Kiwanis International within thirty (30) days after approval by the District Board.

Section 1.  The titles, structure, and duties of district standing committees, key positions and Service Leadership Program administrators shall be those defined by the Kiwanis International Board.
Section 2.  Each standing committee shall cooperate with the appropriate committee of Kiwanis International.
Section 3.  The Governor may create special committees, subject to the approval of the District Board.
Section 4.  The Governor shall appoint all committee chairs and members, subject to approval of the District Board.
Section 5.  The Governor shall be a non voting member of all standing and special committees of the district.
Section 6.  All committee members shall be subject to removal by the Governor.

Section 1.  The annual convention of the district shall be held at such place and date, between March 15 and September 15, as shall be mutually agreed upon by the District Board and the Kiwanis International Board, except that no district convention shall be held within the period of thirty (30) days prior to, during, or thirty (30) days following the Convention of Kiwanis International or its region unless approved by the respective board(s).  In the event the annual convention of Kiwanis International is held within the geographic boundaries of a district, the district may hold its convention in conjunction with the Kiwanis International convention; in such cases, district functions may not be held during general sessions of the International Convention.
Section 2.  Special conventions of the district shall be called by the Governor upon the request of a majority of the clubs* or upon the request of three-fourths (3/4) of the members of the District Board.
Section 3.  The District Secretary shall notify each club and the Executive Director of Kiwanis International at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the annual convention and at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of any special convention or rescheduled annual convention.
Section 4.  The District Board shall have full supervision and management of all conventions.
Section 5.  For each convention, the Governor shall appoint a Committee on Credentials and a Committee on Elections, each to consist of at least three (3) members.  All members of the Committee on Elections shall be delegates.
Section 6.  At any district convention, each club* shall be entitled to seat up to three (3) delegates, two (2) of whom should be the club president and president-designate, and may nominate up to three(3) alternates to serve if any delegate is absent.  Club delegates and alternates shall be active members** of the clubs* they represent.  However, the Lieutenant Governor or a past Lieutenant Governor may represent any club* in their division not otherwise represented by three delegates.  Delegates shall be elected by each club prior to the convention and certified to the district by the club president and secretary.  A current or past Lieutenant Governor representing a club may be certified by the Credentials Committee or its designee.
Section 7.  Official delegates of a newly organized club shall be granted full privileges at district conventions after the charter has been approved by the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees, even if it has not been formally presented to such club.
Section 8.  All officers and past Governors of the district who are active members** of a club* in the district shall be delegates-at-large to all district conventions.
Section 9.  To be accredited, a delegate must have paid a convention registration fee, if such is required.
Section 10.  There shall be no voting by proxy or absentee ballot.
Section 11.  The District Board may establish registration fees to be paid by persons attending any district convention.  The proceeds derived from such registration fees shall be expended solely upon approval of the District Board.
Section 12.  The convention may propose, discuss, and adopt resolutions, and may recommend matters or concerns to Kiwanis International.  The convention shall also consider and act upon matters submitted to it by Kiwanis International.
Section 13.  In the absence of the Governor from any convention of the district, the District Board shall designate any elected member of the District Board to act as presiding officer.
Section 14.  Delegates from at least one-third (1/3) of the district clubs* shall constitute a quorum at any district convention and no less than a majority vote of the delegates present and voting is required to approve all business unless otherwise provided in these bylaws.
Section 15.  Within thirty (30) days after any convention, the District Secretary shall provide a written report of the actions taken, approved by the Governor, and shall transmit the report to the Executive Director of Kiwanis International.  A copy of the report shall be made available to clubs in the district.
Section 16.  In the event the District Board shall determine by resolution that there exists a condition of emergency that compels cancellation of the annual district convention, the Board shall notify Kiwanis International and district clubs immediately and shall determine one of the following methods to transact any and all business that was to be transacted at the annual convention, as soon as practical.  The preference will be to reschedule the convention, if possible, or, alternatively, to call a meeting of all persons having the status of delegates-at-large at district conventions, a quorum of which shall be a majority.
Section 17.  The official program of a convention as approved by the District Board shall be the order of the day for all sessions.  Changes in the agenda of the House of Delegates may be made from time to time by a majority vote of the house.
Section 18.  Resolutions
  a.   A club*, by majority vote of its active members** or board, may propose resolutions to be considered at any convention of the district, provided they are submitted to the District Secretary not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the convention.  Resolutions may also be proposed by the District Board.
b.   All proposed resolutions shall be referred to the Committee on Resolutions and Bylaws for its consideration and recommendation to the District Board. The Committee may modify, combine, edit, or not accept any club proposals.  The District Board shall have final authority on resolutions to be considered at the convention.
c.   No later than thirty (30) days prior to the district convention, the Secretary shall make available to each club in the district a copy of all proposed resolutions other than those of memoriam and appreciation.
d.   No other resolutions shall be considered unless approved for consideration by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the District Board and presented no later than the beginning of the House of Delegates.
e.   Resolutions may be adopted by a majority of the valid votes cast by the delegates present and voting, except those recommended by the Board less than sixty (60) days in advance which shall require two-thirds (2/3) vote to adopt.
Section 19.  The House of Delegates shall adopt standing rules to conduct business.

Section 1.  The election of officers, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, shall be held at the annual convention.  The official program of the convention shall indicate the time and place of the elections.
Section 2.  The Secretary and/or Treasurer who will assume office on October 1 shall be appointed by the Governor-designate, subject to the approval of the District Board-designate.
Section 3.  The nominating and election procedure for officers to be elected at the annual convention shall be as follows:
  a.   The Governor-elect shall be the sole candidate for the office of Governor.  However, in any year in which the Governor-Elect was not previously elected by the district house of delegates or is no longer qualified to hold the office, other qualified candidates shall be permitted.
b.   All qualified candidates for offices to be elected at the annual convention must submit written notice of candidacy to the District Secretary no later than the beginning of the first convention session.
c.   Qualified candidates for Governor, Governor-elect shall:
•   Submit a signed agreement provided by Kiwanis International to fulfil the duties of office.
•   Have a clear criminal history background check conducted and verified by Kiwanis International.
d.   Prior to elections, the Secretary shall report the qualified candidates to the House of Delegates.
e.   A majority of all valid votes cast shall be necessary for each office elected at the convention.  In the event that no nominee receives a majority of valid votes cast, a new election shall take place immediately, with the nominee receiving the fewest number of votes eliminated from the ballot.  This procedure shall be followed until one nominee receives a majority vote.
f.   The voting shall be by ballot only where there are two (2) or more candidates for the same office.
g.   Cumulative voting shall not be permitted.
Section 4.  Duties of Credentials Committee and Elections Committee:
  a.   The Credentials Committee shall verify all delegates and determine the seating of any delegates not previously certified by their club.  Prior to the elections taking place, the Credentials Committee shall report the delegate count to the District Secretary and Elections Committee, and shall make available to them, upon request, a list of the delegates.
b.   The Elections Committee shall have general charge of the election and of distributing and counting all ballots.  The Elections Committee shall report promptly to the convention the results of all balloting.  The report shall be signed by a majority of the committee.
Section 5.  Election of Lieutenant Governor and Lieutenant Governor-elect
  a.   Each division shall determine, by a process it commits to writing, whether the term for the Lieutenant Governor and Lieutenant Governor-elect shall be one year or two years.
b.   The Lieutenant Governor of each division shall hold, not earlier than the first week of the administrative year and not later than the annual district convention preceding the expiration of the Lieutenant Governor's term, a meeting to elect a Lieutenant Governor and a Lieutenant Governor-elect for the next term.  The time and place of this meeting shall be designated by the Lieutenant Governor.  The president of each club in the division shall be notified at least 10 days prior to the meeting.  Attendance at the meeting can also be by way of teleconferencing or any other electronic means that allows attendees to communicate simultaneously with each other.
c.   Each club* in the division is entitled to seat up to three (3) delegates, two (2) of whom should be the club president and president-designate, as well as nominate up to three alternates who may serve if any delegate is absent.  All club delegates and alternates shall be active members**.
d.   Past Governors and past Lieutenant Governors who are active members** of a club* in the division, as well as non-delegate club members**, shall also be invited to the meeting and shall be allowed to participate in discussion but shall not have voting rights.
e.   Delegates from at least one third (1/3) the clubs* in the division shall constitute a quorum.
f.   The Lieutenant Governor shall conduct the elections, unless he/she is a candidate for election.  If the presiding officer is absent or ineligible to serve, the meeting shall elect a delegate to conduct the elections.
g.   No person shall be considered a candidate for Lieutenant Governor or Lieutenant Governor-elect without first providing consent and an agreement to carry out the duties and responsibilities of office.
h.   The Lieutenant Governor-elect shall be the sole candidate for the office of Lieutenant Governor. However, in any year in which the Lieutenant Governor-Elect was not previously elected by the division or is no longer qualified to hold the office, other qualified candidates shall be permitted.
i.   Voting shall be by ballot only where there are two (2) or more candidates for the same position.  A majority of all valid votes cast shall be necessary for elections.  In the event that no nominee receives a majority of valid votes cast, a new election shall take place immediately, with the nominee receiving the fewest number of votes eliminated from the ballot.  This procedure shall be followed until one nominee receives a majority vote.  In the event of a tie vote, the presiding officer shall be entitled to vote.
j.   The presiding officer shall report the election results immediately to the District Secretary who shall report the results to Kiwanis International.
k.   A Lieutenant Governor-elect is not a district officer.

Section 1.  In the event of a vacancy in the office of Governor or Governor-elect, the vacancy for the unexpired term shall be filled by majority vote of the District Board from among the qualified past Governors, current or past Lieutenant Governors.
Section 2.  In the event of a vacancy in the office of Immediate Past Governor, the qualified member** who served as Governor most recently prior to the Immediate Past Governor who is willing and able shall automatically become the Immediate Past Governor.
Section 3.  In the event of a vacancy in the office of Secretary or Treasurer, the Governor shall appoint a qualified member** of a club* of the district to fill the office for the unexpired term, subject to the approval of the District Board.
Section 4.  In the event of a vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor, the vacancy shall be filled as follows:
  a.   If the term has one year or less remaining, a qualified member** shall be elected by a majority vote of the District Board to serve the remaining term;
b.   If the term has more than one year remaining, the district shall notify the clubs in the affected division that a replacement Lieutenant Governor may be elected at a division meeting to be held within sixty (60) days from the date of such vacancy.  In the absence of a replacement being elected by the division, a qualified member** shall be elected by a majority vote of the District Board.
Section 5.  In the event that the election of any district office cannot be completed for any reason, the District Board may consider the office to be vacant and may fill it as a vacancy as provided in these bylaws for such office.
Section 6.  In the event that, after election and before October 1, any district officer-designate is unable to serve for the year elected, the District Board-designate for said year shall fill the position as a vacancy as provided in these bylaws for such office.  Disability or inability of a Governor-designate to serve for the year for which elected shall first be determined by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of the entire District Board-designate.
Section 7.  In the event that the Governor is temporarily incapacitated and is unable to discharge the duties of office as determined by two thirds (2/3) vote of the entire district board, the District Board then shall elect, by a majority vote of the District Board, a qualified past Governor, or current or past Lieutenant Governor to become Acting Governor until the Governor is able to resume the duties of office.  While the Governor is incapacitated, the Acting Governor shall have all the duties, responsibilities, and authority given to the Governor by these bylaws and the Bylaws of Kiwanis International.  If, after a period of sixty (60)days, the district board determines by another two thirds (2/3) vote of the entire board that the Governor continues to be incapacitated and is not able to resume the duties and responsibilities of office, the Board may declare the office of Governor vacant and the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the provisions for filling vacancies in such office as provided in these bylaws.

Section 1.  If a district officer is alleged by the Governor or two-thirds (2/3) of the District Board to be failing to perform his/her duties, the District Board shall investigate the allegation and determine the matter at a meeting held within forty-five (45) days after the investigation is complete or as soon as reasonably possible.  Written notice of the allegation, investigation, and meeting shall be given to the accused officer at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.  The accused officer shall be permitted to attend the meeting and present a defense.  If the allegation(s) is sustained by no less than a two-third (2/3) vote of the entire board, the office shall be declared vacant.
Section 2.
  a.   "Conduct unbecoming a member of the Kiwanis family" is defined in Kiwanis International Policy as any conduct that:
•   is incompatible with the best interests of the public or of members of the Kiwanis family; or.
•   tends to harm the standing of Kiwanis in the local or global community.
b.   If an allegation of 'conduct unbecoming a member of the Kiwanis family' is made against a district officer, allegedly committed while he/she was engaged in his/her duties as a district officer, the Governor shall immediately request from Kiwanis International a copy of the detailed procedures to be followed by the district and shall appoint a special investigator to investigate the matter.  If an allegation is made against the Governor, the Immediate Past Governor shall fulfil the Governor's role throughout the process.  If the investigation report concludes there is a reasonable basis for the allegation, the Governor shall notify the accused officer and refer the matter to the District Board to conduct a hearing to decide the matter.  The Board shall then meet and report its decision whether the accused officer did or did not engage in 'conduct unbecoming' and, based on that decision, the appropriate disciplinary action, as follows: counseling, a verbal or written reprimand, or suspension or removal from office.
c.   If either the accused officer or the Investigator believes some part of the investigation was faulty or the determination was incorrect, either party has the right to request in writing reconsideration by the Board.   The Board's decision on the matter shall be final.
d.   If, at any point during the 'conduct unbecoming' process, possible criminal wrongdoing is discovered, the matter shall be reported to the proper authorities.
e.   All materials, facts, and information related to the investigation, determination, and reconsideration (if any) shall be kept confidential at all times by any parties or persons involved in any part of the process.
f.   The district shall retain all official records on the matter (Allegation Report, Investigation Report, Hearing Record, Board Report and Reconsideration Record if any) in a confidential file as long as required by applicable law, and shall send a copy to Kiwanis International, to be retained in a confidential file.
Section 3.  If the district employs the Secretary, Treasurer, or other district officers, the employment relationship supersedes the officer relationship..
Section 4.  Whenever a district officer is removed from office for reasons involving conduct unbecoming a member of the Kiwanis family or failure to perform the duties of office or resigns from office, that person may be declared by the District Board to be ineligible to hold a district office or appointment in the future.

Section 1.  Each club shall pay dues to the district for each active club member in an amount determined by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the district House of Delegates.  Dues shall be based on each club's annual membership report to Kiwanis International as of March 31 of each year and shall be due annually on April 1 and payable by May 31.  If a Kiwanis club member was a former member of a Kiwanis international Service Leadership Programs club, the member's Kiwanis club is not obligated to pay district dues for any such club member for a period of two (2) administrative years from the date of joining their first Kiwanis club.
Section 2.  An annual adjustment amount shall be added to each year's dues, such sum being determined by the District Board.  This sum shall not be greater than the New Zealand Consumer Price Index for the twelve months to the end of the previous September applied to the previous years dues, with the total then rounded to the nearest fifty cents.
Section 3.  All payments to the district account by clubs of this district shall be made in New Zealand dollars and include any GST or other taxes as may be applicable.
Section 4.  The District Board may establish registration fees for district conferences or other meetings.
Section 5. No financial obligation shall be placed upon clubs of the district other than those provided in these bylaws or adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the House of Delegates.
Section 6.  Any club not paying District dues by June 30 in any year will incur a penalty payment of 10 percent.

Section 1.  Not later than October 31, the District Board shall approve a budget of estimated revenues and expenses for the year, including capital expenditures.
Section 2.  The financial records of the district shall be examined at the end of each fiscal year by a qualified individual(s) or company selected by the District Board.  The individual(s) should be qualified to perform such work in their respective jurisdiction.  A copy of the annual financial examination shall be sent to the Executive Director of Kiwanis International by March 31 and to the District Board and shall be made available, upon request, to clubs and members in the district.
Section 3.  The District Board shall determine the official depository or depositories and shall designate persons authorized to disburse funds.
Section 4.  The district will comply with all governmental reporting requirements for finances, taxation, employment and any other areas of operation.
Section 5.  The district shall report its financial status annually to clubs and to the Kiwanis International Board and at such other times and including such information as requested by the Kiwanis International Board.

Section 1.  This district bylaws and policies will comply with all applicable laws in its local jurisdiction(s).
Section 2.  For authority on all matters not covered by these bylaws, the following documents will apply, in this order of priority:
  First -   Kiwanis International Bylaws
Second -   Kiwanis International Policies and Procedures
Third -   The bylaws of the district's region (if any)
Fourth -   District Policies or Procedures
Fifth -   Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised (latest edition)

Section 1.
  a.   A club*, by majority vote of its active members**, may propose bylaw amendments to be considered at any convention of the district, provided they are submitted to the District Secretary not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the convention.  Bylaw amendments may also be proposed by the District Board.
b.   No later than thirty (30) days prior to the district convention, the Secretary shall make available to each club* in the district a copy of all proposed bylaw amendments.
c.   Amendments to these bylaws may be adopted by two-thirds (2/3) of the valid votes cast by the delegates present and voting.
Section 2.  These bylaws and any amendments to them shall be in conformity with the Kiwanis International Bylaws, and the Standard Form for District Bylaws.  Amendments previously verified by Kiwanis International to be in conformity may become effective immediately, unless a later effective date is specified upon adoption.  Any amendments not in conformity shall not be effective until or unless approved by the Kiwanis International Board.  Any questions regarding conformity shall be determined by the Kiwanis International Board.
Section 3.  If the Kiwanis International Bylaws are amended in such a way that necessitates revisions to the Standard Form for District Bylaws, the district House of Delegates shall amend the district bylaws at the next annual convention to reflect such revisions.
Section 4.  These rules will not be effective until they have been registered with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies in New Zealand.
Section 5.  No addition, alteration or rescission of the rules shall be approved if it affects the charitable nature, personal benefit clause or the winding up clause.

Section 1.  In the event that any provision of these bylaws is held invalid, all other provisions shall remain in effect.

Section 1.  The district will incorporate or register with the proper authority(ies) as may be required by applicable law and shall maintain such incorporation or registration as required by law.
Section 2.  This District may voluntarily dissolve itself only by a resolution in favour of winding up passed by a two thirds (2/3) vote of accredited delegates in attendance at an annual convention.  The resolution must then be confirmed by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the accredited representatives at a special convention held for this purpose not earlier than thirty (30) days after the date on which the resolution so to be confirmed was passed.
Section 3.  If the district ceases operation for any reason, the last District Board will provide for proper distribution of district funds or other assets, in accordance with applicable law.  If the District Board does not so provide, the Kiwanis international Board shall do so.
Section 4.  If upon winding up or dissolution of the organization there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the organization but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable organization or body having objects similar to the objects of Kiwanis or for some other charitable purpose.

Section 1.  The district shall not be used for political purposes, including propaganda, trying to influence legislation, or participating in a campaign for or against any candidate for public office.
Section 2.  The administrative and fiscal year of the district shall be October 1 - September 30.
Section 3.  No member of this organization or any person associated with a member shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by the organization in respect to the payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person of any income, benefit or advantage whatsoever.  Any such income paid shall be reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in an arms length transaction (being the open market value).  The provisions and effect of this clause shall not be removed from this document and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this document.

Every place the word "club" appears with an asterisk refers to a club in good standing as defined by Kiwanis international, per Article 1.
Every place the term "active member" (or "member") appears with two asterisks refers to a club member in good standing with their club as defined by the club, per Article 1.

If the district's bylaws are amended, send one copy of all adopted amendments and one copy of the revised bylaws to the Governance Specialist at Kiwanis International [] for review, approval, and filing.  The district then will be notified when its amended bylaws are approved by Kiwanis International.
These bylaws were adopted by the Kiwanis District of New Zealand - South Pacific House of Delegates on 19 August, 2023 and registered with the New Zealand Registrar of Incorporated Societies on 13 October 2023.  Society number :  1107050.

Certified by:  Bernard Désarmagnac (Governor)
  Corrine Cullell (Secretary)
  Ann Raymond (Treasurer)

Kiwanis Links:
NZ-SP District home page /
District policies /
District news and links page /
Links to the Kiwanis International web site

Page last updated by (David Fentress) on 14 March, 2023.
Your comments, questions and suggestions are welcome.