This page contains general background information about our district.

Cette page est aussi disponible en français.

Description of our part of the world:

The New Zealand - South Pacific District comprises five countries spread across a large number of islands in the southern Pacific Ocean.  To give some idea of the geographic scope of the district, it is 4100 km. from Auckland, New Zealand to Papeete, French Polynesia.
The district uses two major languages, French and English - about equally divided.

District map

District meetings

A district convention is held annually in August or September in various cities or other suitable locations in the district.  They are always a great time!  Meetings take up part of two days during which the governor, the governor-elect and other district officers are elected and rule changes and resolutions considered.  These are mixed with education sessions, gala dinners and chatting with Kiwanis friends from other clubs in the district.  There is always lots of good food and good fellowship.
Information about the next district convention and reports on previous conventions can be found on the district convention page.
Between conventions, the district board of trustees meets to conduct the business of the New Zealand - South Pacific District and to determine policy for the district.  Trustees meetings and other events can be found on the district calendar page.


NZSP District home page / District governor's page

Page last updated by (David Fentress) on 5 April, 2024.
Your comments, questions and suggestions are welcome.