Le District de Nouvelle Zélande - Pacifique Sud
New Zealand - South Pacific District

The monthly message of Governor Danielle Désarmagnac to the Kiwanis members in our district for February/March 2024.

Dear leaders and Kiwanians.
Already half the year has passed.  I want to thank the Kiwanians who went to the ASPAC convention in Adelaide, Australia.  First time for most of you.  A beautiful convention full of colour and friendships, and congratulations to Michelle Cordioli who was elected Chair elect 2024-2025.
As presented in my report at the ASPAC Executive Board meeting, our district is in trouble.
Good news heard at Division 6 conference; inductions are coming.  Let's not get distracted and focus on recruiting new members and opening new clubs or reopening old clubs.  We're concentrating on the objective of increasing the membership in our district, it's a matter of survival.
Let's stay focused on serving children and invite friends, families, colleagues to our projects.  Distribute your club flyers during your projects.  Let's be proud to be Kiwanians.  Check the NZ-SP district calendar for planned visits to the divisions.
Clubs, if you want the governor to attend important meetings or projects, let me know.
Division conferences and club AGMs are in full swing.  The deadline is May 15th for elections.  I attended Division 6 and will be in NZ for Division 1 conference.
Training sessions will be offered for SLP club advisors and sponsoring clubs.
Growth/ membership meetings are also scheduled.
This is the District Foundation grant application period (submission deadline 30 April).  To learn more, check on th What's up in NZSP n° 5.
Amplify is also a good training to develop your skills to manage your club, a team and discover your strengths.
Together we can grow our district.  Thank you for all you do to serve the children of the world, our number one priority.
Danielle Désarmagnac, NZ-SP District Governor 2023/2024.

Kiwanis Links:

NZ-SP district home page / NZ-SP district calendar

Page last updated by webmaster@kiwanis.org.nz (David Fentress) on 23 March, 2024.
Your comments, questions and suggestions are welcome.