The Kiwanis Club of Matamata is a very active club providing time, energy and money to our local community, and to selected district, national and international projects. We have a very dedicated band of members willing to join in all sorts of activities to help others in need. In addition to projects, each year we provide marshals for the Firth Tower Fun Run and the Christmas Parade. In the past, we have also helped with Pohlen Hospital's Garden Tour and marshalled at various events as they arise e.g. the Truck Festival which raised funds for Pohlen Hospital, also helping with collections e.g. Alzheimers Waikato and Child Cancer and we've manned the gate and car park at the "Shining Light on the Dark" evening at Bedford Park (an evening to promote positive mental health), and helped with sister club projects (e.g. Morrinsville Kiwanis "Kids Day Out"). The main source of our funds comes from battery recycling. Scroll down to see some of our projects and how and to whom we distribute funds. TWO ON-GOING PROJECTS BABY WRAPS
During 2024 we have donated: MONETARY: Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton (benefiting local and district charities), Matamata Foodbank, Matamata Friendship Circle, Matamata District Libraries Reading Programme, Cowboy Challenge (young riders), Matamata Netball Club (U16 Reps tournament expenses), Southside FM (broadcasting fees), Matamata Light Party, sponsorship of a student Lacrosse player, Matamata College Rugby (U15 tournament expenses), Matamata Citizens Advice Bureau (general expenses), Matamata Kayak Club (tournament expenses), Educational and other supplies to Vanuatu (plus help with container expenses), New Zealand South Pacific Kiwanis Project Fund (district and national projects), Heart Kids, Autism NZ, New Zealand Suicide Trust, Great Kiwi Circus (previously Going Bananas supporting the Brain Injured Childrens Trust), Caring Families, Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ, The Leprosy Mission GOODS: Community Book Kubby (an on-going project), Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets/wraps - an ongoing project), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books: an-ongoing project), Matamata Intermediate School (trip to Vanuatu plus sports equipment to take), Matamata Scouts (tents), drinking fountain for the Tom Grant Drive playground, seat and table for the playground on Banks Road (in association with MPDC), Matamata Community Patrol (jackets) Our donations of money and goods in 2024 have totalled over $18000.00 !
2023 DONATIONS During 2023 we have donated: MONEY: Heart Kids, Golf Tournament at Walton (benefiting local and district charities), Autism NZ, Educational and other supplies to Vanuatu (help with container expenses), Leprosy Mission NZ, Kids in Need Waikato, Matamata Foodbank, Matamata Friendship Circle, Matamata District Libraries Reading Programmes, continued sponsorship of a student stockcar driver, Cowboy Challenge (young riders), Christmas in the Park, Matamata College Sports (tournament expenses), Matamata Netball Club (tournament expenses), Napier Flood Appeal (via Napier Kiwanis Club), Southside FM (broadcasting fees), Kindness Collective (pyjamas project), New Zealand South Pacific Kiwanis Project Fund (district and national projects), Matamata Squash Club D Grade Team (tournament expenses), Matamata Scouts: sponsorship of a scout to Jamboree, Matamata Light Party GOODS: Community Book Kubby (an on-going project), Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets/wraps - an ongoing project), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books: an-ongoing project) , Matamata Citizens Advice Bureau (phones), Matamata Intermediate School (trip to Vanuatu equipment), Matamata Playcentre (Whare), Matamata College (outdoor table) Our donations of money and goods in 2023 have totalled over $15000.00 ! 2022 DONATIONS During 2022 we donated: MONEY: Heart Kids, Leukemia and Blood Cancer, Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton (benefiting local and district charities), Autism NZ, Going Bananas Show, educational supplies to Vanuatu (help with expenses and a stationery donation for the pupils), Fostering NZ (Caring Families), NZ Suicide Prevention Trust, Leprosy Mission NZ, Matamata Foodbank, Matamata Friendship Circle, Matamata District Libraries Reading Programmes, continued sponsorship of a student stockcar driver, Cowboy Challenge, Matamata Playcentre playground development, Matamata College Netball (travel and accommodation), Kids in Need Waikato, Matamata School dinners, Matamata Citizens Advice Bureau (expenses), Abby McDonald (NZ Volleyball Rep), Alex Mukaka (NZ Boxing Rep), Matamata Netball tournament expenses GOODS: Community Book Kubby, Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets/wraps - an ongoing project), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books), Matamata Swimming Club pace clock (delayed from last year), Matamata Intermediate School sports equipment, St Josephs School student glasses, Matamata Scouts sleeping bags, Hinuera School reading programme books, Community Patrol car seat covers Our donations of money and goods in 2022 have totalled over $20000.00 ! 2021 DONATIONS During 2021 we donated: MONEY: Heart Kids, Leukemia and Blood Cancer, Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton (benefiting local and district charities), Autism NZ, Going Bananas Show, Light Party, Threads Across the Pacific (help with administration and expenses) educational supplies to Vanuatu (help with expenses and a stationery donation for the pupils), Fostering NZ (Caring Families), Brain Injury Trust, NZ Suicide Prevention Trust, Leprosy Mission NZ, Matamata Foodbank, Matamata Friendship Circle, Matamata District Libraries Reading Programmes, Oak Plantantion camellias, Wish 4 Fish Trust, St Johns Appeal, IHC South Waikato (rental fees at the Avantidrome), Laing Swim School (helping needy students), sponsorship of a student stockcar driver, Cowboy Challenge, Matamata Playcentre (water feature) GOODS: Community Book Kubby, Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets/wraps - an ongoing project), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books), Walton and Wairere Primary Schools Terrific Kids (library books), Matamata Hearing Association (new fridge), Firth Primary School (tricycle for a disabled student), Colouring Books for School, Te Poi Primary School (playground equipment), Matamata Primary School (water fountain adjacent to the scooter track), Matamata Athletics Assn (outdoor sound system), Matamata Primary School (in-class speaker system), Matamata Swimming Club pace clock Our donations of money and goods in 2021 have totalled over $29000.00 !
During 2020 we donated: MONEY: Heart Kids, Leukemia and Blood Cancer, Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton (benefiting local and district charities), Autism NZ, Going Bananas Show, Threads Across the Pacific (help with administration and expenses) educational supplies to Vanuatu (help with expenses and a stationery donation for the pupils), Fostering NZ, Brain Injury Trust, NZ Suicide Prevention Trust, Kids in Need Waikato, Leprosy Mission NZ, Matamata Foodbank, Matamata Friendship Circle, Matamata District Libraries Summer Reading Programme, Light Party Evening (an alternative to Halloween), Cowboy Challenge Waikato, Matamata Brass Band, Laing Swim School (lessons for needy students), Matamata Community Dinners in Schools programme, Waikato/Bay of Plenty Cancer Society, Matamata Patchwork Group (helping with their community quilting project). GOODS: Community Book Kubby, Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets/wraps - an ongoing project), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books), Walton Primary School Terrific Kids (library books), St Johns Ambulance (washing machine), Rawhiti Kindergarten (sandpit cover), Matamata Hearing Association (flooring repairs). Our donations of money and goods in 2020, have totalled over $15000.00 ! 2019 DONATIONS During 2019 we donated: MONEY: Heart Kids, Leukemia and Blood Cancer, Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton (benefiting local and district charities), Autism NZ, Going Bananas Show, Threads Across the Pacific (help with administration and expenses) educational supplies to Vanuatu (help with expenses and a stationery donation for the pupils), Fostering NZ, Brain Injury Trust, Matamata Foodbank, Matamata Friendship Circle, Matamata District Libraries Summer Reading Programme and bookmarks, sponsorship of a student to Vanuatu, sponsorship of a student to Japan, Matamata Playcentre grounds development, Matamata College Volleyball students to overseas tournaments, Firth Primary School - assisting students to Riding for the Disabled, Matamata College Netball team to a regional tournament, Shining Light on the Dark, Christmas at the Park, sponsorship of a student stock car driver, Light Evening (an alternative to Halloween), Cowboy Challenge Waikato, Matamata Genealogical Society (digitising records) GOODS: Community Book Kubby, Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets - an ongoing project), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books), special donation of stationery to Vanuatu Schools, Waharoa Historic Cemetery (now completed), Pohlen Hospital (ceiling hoist to assist patients in and out of bed), Firth, Hinuera and Walton Primary Schools Terrific Kids (library books), Wairere School laptops, 3 seats for the Oak Plantation, providing 120 camellia plants adjacent to the Oak Plantation, providing plants for the Walton School native planting project Our donations of money and goods in 2019, have totalled over $29,550.00 ! (previous years donations are listed after the Waharoa Cemetery article and photos below) MORE PROJECTS Since completing the Waharoa Historic Cemetery restoration in 2019, we haven't rested on our laurels! In another partnership with MPDC, we have provided 3 bench seats in the Oak Plantation (beside the i-Site). The seats are made from recycled plastic and the backrest is engraved with the text "Matamata", and images of the Kaimais, a Hobbit Hole, the Firth Tower and Wairere Falls.
And beside the Oak Plantation, we have planted about 130 camellias adjacent to the railway line in order to screen out the background of railway lines and buildings to improve the beauty of the area. This project was suggested by a Matamata resident, Ezra Campbell, who was able to source the plants at a good price! Kiwanis along with Ezra (and husband Craig) and Bryan Turner (MPDC) planted the trees one weekend and came back a couple weeks later to spread mulch around them to hinder weed growth and keep the moisture up during summer.
2018 DONATIONS During 2018 we donated: MONEY: Heart Kids, NZ Suicide Trust, Leukemia and Blood Cancer, Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton (benefiting local and district charities), Autism NZ, Going Bananas Show, Threads Across the Pacific (help with expenses) educational supplies to Vanuatu (help with container expenses), Fostering NZ, Brain Injury Trust, Matamata Scouts (in return for helping at the cemetery), sponsorship of a Spirit of Adventure student, Matamata Mens Shed, Christmas in the Park, Foodbank, Matamata Friendship Circle, Matamata Rangers Retreat, Matamata College (expenses to attend a netball tournament), sponsoring a student to Walsh flying school GOODS: Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets - an ongoing project), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books), Waharoa Historic Cemetery (an ongoing project in partnership with Matamata Piako District Council), Matamata Citizens Advice Bureau (2 new computers), Pohlen Hospital (air mattress which has individual air compartments to relieve pressure), Firth, Hinuera and Walton Primary Schools Terrific Kids, Matamata Walking and Tramping Club (Personal Locator Beacon), Matamata Hearing Association (3 personal amplifiers), Matamata Toy Library (new computer and borrowing programme) Our donations of money and goods in 2018 totalled over $23,000.00 !! 2017 DONATIONS During 2017 we have donated: MONEY: Matamata Foodbank, Matamata Friendship Circle (for Christmas gifts and expenses), Matamata Piako District Libraries Reading Programme, Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton, Autism NZ, Heart Kids, Leukemia and Blood Cancer, Brain Injured Childrens Trust, Fostering Kids NZ, Thread Across the Pacific (help with expenses) educational supplies to Vanuatu (help with container expenses), Transition Matamata (bottle drive expenses), Matamata Budget Advice (workshops), Christmas in the Park GOODS: Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets - an ongoing project), Hinuera School (Terrific Kids library books), Walton School (Terrific Kids library books), Firth School (Terrific Kids library books), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books), Matamata College Junior Bowls set (second set), Matamata Intermediate (library books), Matanmata Primary School (Movie Maker software), Threads Across The Pacific (4 sewing machines for Vanuatu), Walton Playcentre (furniture), Matamata Girl Guides (replacement of stolen camp stoves), Matamata Christian School (sports tracksuits), Waharoa Historic Cemetery (in partnership with Matamata Piako District Council) Our donations of money and goods for 2017 have totalled over $13,250.00 !!!! 2016 DONATIONS During 2016 we have donated: MONEY: Matamata Kidz Toy Library, Matamata Foodbank, Matamata Community Christmas Dinner, Matamata Friendship Circle (for Christmas gifts), Matamata Piako District Libraries Reading Programme, Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton, Autism NZ, Young Farmers Group (3 boys), Leukemia and Blood Cancer, Star Jam, Alzheimers NZ, Parkinsons NZ, Brain Injured Childrens Trust, Matamata Community Patrol, Fostering Kids NZ. GOODS: Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets - an ongoing project), Hinuera School (Terrific Kids library books), Walton School (Terrific Kids library books), Firth School (Terrific Kids library books), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books), Matamata Fire Brigade (set of emergency lights - the second set we have donated), Matamata Swimming Club (pace clock), Pohlen Hospital (television for the family room), knitting machines (to be used at local rest homes), Red Cross Matamata (shelving), Matamata College Junior Bowls set, Matamata Playcentre (3x tables), Matamata Intermediate (portable sound system), Threads Across The Pacific (sewing machines for Vanuatu). Our donations of money and goods for 2016 have so far totalled over $14.000 !!!! 2015 DONATIONS In 2015 we donated: MONEY: Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton, Kiwanis Eliminate Programme, sponsorship of a student to Outward Bound, sponsorship of a student to the Globe Theatre (England), Child Cancer, Matamata College (Shakespeare Competition), Matamata Primary (amphitheatre), Autism NZ, Leukemia and Blood Cancer. GOODS: Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets), Hinuera School (Terrific Kids library books), Walton School (Terrific Kids library books), Pohlen Hospital (advanced shower chair), Vanuatu education project (furniture and books). Our donations of money and goods for this period totalled over $14,500.00. 2014 DONATIONS In 2014, we donated: MONEY: Matamata Friendship Circle (Christmas Party), Matamata Library (Summer reading program), Rawhiti Kindergarten (Wharenui), Plunket Waikato (baby seats), Kiwanis Golf Tournament at Walton, Kiwanis Eliminate Programme, Student Camp donations, Alzheimers Waikato, Leukemia and Blood Cancer, Women in India (anti exploitation program), Matamata Foodbank x2. GOODS: Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets), Rawhiti Kindergarten (Wharenui), Hinuera School (Terrific Kids books), Plunket Waikato (baby seats), Pohlen Hospital (blood monitor), St Josephs School (computer tablets), Matamata Kids Toy Library (toys), Matamata Intermediate (iPad), Leukemia and Blood Cancer, Vanuatu education project (furniture and books). Our donations of money and goods for this period totalled over $17,500.00. 2013 DONATIONS In 2013, we donated: MONEY: Matamata Friendship Circle (Christmas Party), Matamata Skate Park, Starfish (Youth Services at Matamata Intermediate), Matamata Library Summer Reading Programme, Matamata Foodbank, Kidney Kids, Kiwanis Golf Tournament, Te Poi School (Riding for the Disabled), Orlando Hansen (BMX), Matamata College (drama festival), Kiwianis Eliminate Project (an international Kiwanis project), Westpac Helicopter Trust, Child Cancer (Star of Courage donation), Matamata Intermediate (Doug the Digger programme), New Zealand Suicide Trust. GOODS: Pohlen Hospital (mobile recliner chairs), Vanuatu (school supplies), Matamata Fire Brigade (portable lights and tripods for use at accident scenes), Firth Primary (Duffy Books), Hinuera School (books on behalf of Terrific Kids), Pohlen Hospital (baby blankets). Our donations of money and goods for this period totalled over $21,000.00.
The other main source of project money in past years has been from woodchops. We purchased our own woodsplitter and seem to have no trouble finding trees to knock over! We always get a good turnout of members to help with chainsawing, splitting, loading and delivering. Please read on to find out about some of our projects......... VANUATU EDUCATION PROJECT
Each summer, along with the Morrinsville Kiwanis Club, our Club provides funding for the Kiwanis Summer Reading Programme - Reading is Fantastic - run by the Matamata Piako District Libraries covering Matamata, Morrinsville and Te Aroha. It is a family oriented reading incentive programme for children from five to pre-teen run in the three libraries over the summer school holidays, with a focus on encouraging literacy. Children register for the programme and then check in three times to report on their reading. At each reporting session children are rewarded with a small novelty incentive, culminating in an end of programme day out with activities and presentations.