This page contains information about our 1998 district
convention, held 28-29 August, 1998 in Christchurch on the South
Island of New Zealand. The convention was hosted by the Kiwanis Club
of North West Christchurch.
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Convention Theme:
Antarctic Gate for '98
Christchurch is the headquarters of Antarctic activities and our
convention took place at the Airport Plaza Hotel, next door to the award winning Antarctic Center. There was a visit to the Center on the Friday evening and the Antarctic theme colored all other activities.
Convention Program
- Program - Preconvention - Thursday, 27 August
- 10:00-12:00 District foundation meeting
(for foundation trustees)
- 14:00-16:00 District trustees meeting
(for district officers)
- 17:30-19:00 Forum for past governors and past lt. governors
(included dinner)
- 20:00-22:00 - Ice-breaker / conversation
- Program - Day 1 - Friday, 28 August
- 09:00-10:15 Opening ceremony and official welcome
- 10:30-14:00 Business session A - part 1
(with lunch)
- 14:00-14:45 Keynote speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Harding, who
spent two years as the only doctor at Khunde Hospital in
the Himalayas (built by Sir Edmund Hillary in 1966). While
there, she did a research study on IDD as a follow up to
work done many years before by other New Zealand doctors.
Her address was very educational, entertaining and motivating.
- 14:45-16:00 Business session A - part 2
- 16:00-17:00 Workshop 1
- 18:00-23:00 "Opening the Antarctic Gate" - Visitors were
greeted with a glass of mulled wine, then had the
opportunity to walk through the interactive Antartic
Experience followed by a buffet meal including light
entertainment and governor's awards - a lively and
educational evening.
- Program - Day 2 - Saturday, 29 August
- 09:00-0920 Address by the international trustee
- 09:20-10:15 Workshop 2
- 10:15-10:30 Coffee break
- 10:30-14:00 Business session B
- 14:15-15:15 Workshop 3
- 15:30-17:30 District trustees meeting
(for new district officers)
- 17:30-18:45 Governor's cocktail party
- 19:00-24:00 "Black and white shuffle - Dine and Dance.
Held at the Airport Plaza. Attire was semi-formal and in
keeping with the color range - black and white caberet
masks were provided. Handover to the new governor's team.
- Program - Postconvention - Sunday, 30 August
- 10:00-10:30 - Thanksgiving service
- 11:30-13:30 Farewell BBQ - a casual outdoor barbeque
followed the church service to close the convention.
Partners Program
- Friday, 28 August, 1998
- Partners tour in parallel with Business Sessions. Courtesy
cars departed from the Plaza Hotel and the Gateway Motor Lodge
for shopping or sightseeing.
- Saturday, 29 August, 1998
- 10:30-15:30 - Bus departed the Plaza Hotel and the Gateway Motor
Lodge for the Arts Center market for specialty shopping
followed by a surprising ride on one of the city's trams.
Lunch at the Botanical Gardens restaurant followed by a wander
around the gardens and museum.
Club Reports on the 1998 Convention:
A selection of individual Kiwanis club reports on the 1998 district
Convention report from the Kiwanis Club of Te